7. ADF integration with GitHub

Recall that, when we provisioned the Azure Data Factory resource, we chose to configure Git later. In this post, I will show you how to configure source control from Azure Data Factory UI. The pipelines, as well as all the code, scripts and files associated with the WTA Insights project are available on my GitHubContinue reading “7. ADF integration with GitHub”

6. Parameters, variables and loops – part 2

Let’s build a third pipeline to copy the wta_matches files. Matches Pipeline Take a moment to explore the matches files in github. The files follow a consistent naming convention: wta_matches_yyyy.csv, where yyyy represents the year of the WTA season and is a value between 1968 and 2020. Explore the files in raw view. Note thatContinue reading “6. Parameters, variables and loops – part 2”

5. Parameters, variables and loops – part 1

In the previous post, we have created a simple pipeline that fetches the wta_players.csv from HTTP (github) and stores it in our data lake. We are now going to build another pipeline, that fetches the ranking files. Rankings Pipeline Take a moment to explore the ranking files in github. As of the date of thisContinue reading “5. Parameters, variables and loops – part 1”