8. Tournament Overview report

We want our reports to look nice but also be functional, clean and uncluttered. Most people read from top to bottom and from left to right, and will scan with the eyes from the top left of the report page in a zig-zag motion across the screen. Having this in mind, we should think aboutContinue reading “8. Tournament Overview report”

7. Calculated columns and measures (DAX)

Let’s talk DAX! Data Analysis Expressions is the native formula and query language for Power BI Desktop, Power Pivot and SSAS Tabular models. 1. Calculated columns and Row context We use DAX to create calculated columns. Whenever we create a calculated column a row context is also created, that allows the calculated column to performContinue reading “7. Calculated columns and measures (DAX)”

5. Shape and transform data with Power Query (M) – part 2

The matches data contain several information in a flat format, We will split this data in several entities. Follow the steps in the previous post to remove the first 3 rows of the Matches query and expand the binary column on the remaining row. Rename the query to Matches Original. We will keep a copyContinue reading “5. Shape and transform data with Power Query (M) – part 2”

4. Shape and transform data with Power Query (M) – part 1

In the previous post we have imported the wta_tennis data in Power BI. In the next couple of posts we will use Power Query to shape the data into the format and structure we need, Common data shaping tasks are: rename/remove tables and columns, remove rows, changing data types, merge/append queries, pivoting/unpivoting, splitting column byContinue reading “4. Shape and transform data with Power Query (M) – part 1”

3. Accessing ADLS Gen2 files from Power BI

It’s time to grab our puzzle pieces and start putting together the edges. 🧩🧩Recall that we have loaded the wta_tennis data in the cleansed area of our data lake. We now want to connect to the data lake and load the files in Power BI desktop. From the Home tab in Power BI desktop, chooseContinue reading “3. Accessing ADLS Gen2 files from Power BI”

2. Phases in building a Power BI report

Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to deliver interactive visualizations, business intelligence capabilities and insights from hundreds of data sources. Power BI Desktop is a free authoring tool that lets you connect to, transform and visualize your data. It is updated monthly with new features. Download and install Power BI Desktop fromContinue reading “2. Phases in building a Power BI report”

1. Sketching the Power BI reports

In the previous tutorials we have fetched the tennis_wta data, transformed and loaded it in the data lake. We will now use Power BI Desktop to connect to this data lake, load and further transform the data in Power Query, build a data model and interactive reports on top of it. But before we begin,Continue reading “1. Sketching the Power BI reports”